Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Day 1

1.  CIRCUS (review this week's political events)
What do you observe about the ACCESS of Mark Halperin, Mark McKinnon and John Heil to all of the power players.

Focus and take notes on:

Gorsuch Hearings: Senate Judiciary Committee, "conscience of the nation" 

House Investigative Committee: purpose of the hearing, L/C ideologies (pay attention to D/R after the names of the committee members), conclusions, Devin Nunes, Adam Schiff

GOP House Healthcare Bill: House Freedom Caucus, roadblocks the bill faces, L/C ideologies, Speaker Paul Ryan,

2.  Gerrymandering: Questions?

3.  Finish Review Formal and Informal Checks to Power (booklet)

4.  Complete Presidential Powers: Formal or ExpressedImage result for paul ryan political cartoonImage result for gorsuch hearing political cartoon

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