Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Day 1

1.  Finish 24 and Presidential Succession

2.  Introduction to the Courts

3.  Pick Supreme Court case and partner (sit next to partner #1)

4.  Complete your brief by the end of class on DAY 2
*From Ch 11/12 you need to get  SC Instructions and SC Rubric

HW=review your brief and 1st amendment cases...you are presenting first!

1st Amendment cases (religion, speech, press, assembly, association)
4th Amendment cases (search and seizure)
5th Amendment cases  (double jeopardy, "I plead the 5th," Miranda Rights)
6th Amendment cases (right to an attorney, speedy trial of a jury of your peers)
8th Amendment cases (no cruel and unusual punishment/no excessive bail)
14th Amendment cases (equal treatment under the law)


  1. US v. Schenck
  2. Unemployment Division v. Smith
  3. Sante Fe v. Doe
  4. Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
  5. Westside v. Mergens
  6. Texas v. Johnson
  7. Morse v. Frederick
  8. Madsen v. Womens Health
  9. Lee v. Weisman
  10. Allegheny County v. ACLU
  11. Mapp v. Ohio
  12. New Jersey v. TLO
  13. Veronia v. Acton
  14. Miranda v. Arizona
  15. Ingraham v. Wright
  16. UC v. Bakke
  17. Grutter v. Bollinger
  18. Gideon v. Wainwright
  19. Tinker v. De Moines
  20. Hustler v. Falwell

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