Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 2

1.  Review today's Tweets
  • Libertarian:  What are the Beliefs of This Controversial Minor Party?
  • Measles Outbreak: Ca Proposes New Law
  • Archbishop Cordileone and Sex Doctrine in Catholic High Schools
2.  Do you have any questions about ideology?

3.  Identify if your statement is L/C and create three talking points for your statement.
Statement:  Guantanamo Bay should remain open (C).
a.  Holding the 112 detainees provides a safeguard against violent acts toward the US or any other country.
b.  Evidence shows that when detainees are released they join their former terrorist group or a new group.
c. These people are enemy combatants and do not deserve the protections guaranteed in the US Constitution.

4.  Check in with me when you have completed your work.

HW=Fill out the form so that I can see your readiness before we simulate.

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