Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 1 (4*)


1.  Get Dr. Evil handout and watch video
  • What's a NANNY STATE?
  • How are interest groups both GOOD and BAD for American Politics?
2.  Review the Potato Debate (get handout from Unit 4)
  • Complete Potato Problem, Vocabulary and Matching the Interest Groups
  • Prepare for FDA and E-Cigarette debate
HW=prepare your talking points for the debate on Day 1

FDA (Food and Drug Administration=Federal Agency)
Should the FDA treat e-cigarettes the same way they treat cigarettes in terms of age restrictions, advertisement restrictions and manufacturing and distribution?

1.  CASA
2.  Victoray Electronic Cigarettes Corps
3.  Blu
4.  SFATA (Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association)

1.  Department of Human Health Services
2.  Center for Disease Control
3.  Tobacco Free Kids
4.  American Lung Cancer Society

Lobbyists must pull together a presentation full of facts, stats, stories, quotes, images, etc to convince the FDA to see c-cigarettes from your point of view

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