Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 3

Review Presidential Elections TImeline (under Unit 5)
Prepare for Simulation
HW=review timeline

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 2

1.  FDA-what did you decide?
2.  Current Event:  Eddie Ray Routh Found Guilty in the Death of "American Sniper"
3.  Interest Groups Test

4.  Next Unit is Parties and Elections:
I need 6 candidates, 6 campaign managers and 12 interest groups leaders.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 1

Review Tweets:

Continue with FDA hearing on E-CIGARETTES

1.  How/Where/To Whom should this product be advertised?
2.  Age restrictions?
3.  Where can/can't this product be used?
4.  What warning labels should be put on the product?

Complete this form at the conclusion of our hearing.

HW=review for Interest Groups test on Day 2

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 2

4* You are on the clock for 20 minutes of work.
Begin the presentations.

1.  How/Where/To Whom should this product be advertised?
2.  Age restrictions?
3.  Where can/can't this product be used?
4.  What warning labels should be put on the product?

Complete this form at the conclusion of our hearing.

Image result for e-cigarette debate

Day 1

Good Morning!

John Lewis
Morality Clause updates

Work on projects. 
FDA hearing on Day 2.

This project is worth 15 points
Introduce your group and goals
HOW do you want the FDA to treat e-cigarettes?
Stats, images, facts

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 1 (4*)


1.  Get Dr. Evil handout and watch video
  • What's a NANNY STATE?
  • How are interest groups both GOOD and BAD for American Politics?
2.  Review the Potato Debate (get handout from Unit 4)
  • Complete Potato Problem, Vocabulary and Matching the Interest Groups
  • Prepare for FDA and E-Cigarette debate
HW=prepare your talking points for the debate on Day 1

FDA (Food and Drug Administration=Federal Agency)
Should the FDA treat e-cigarettes the same way they treat cigarettes in terms of age restrictions, advertisement restrictions and manufacturing and distribution?

1.  CASA
2.  Victoray Electronic Cigarettes Corps
3.  Blu
4.  SFATA (Smoke Free Alternatives Trade Association)

1.  Department of Human Health Services
2.  Center for Disease Control
3.  Tobacco Free Kids
4.  American Lung Cancer Society

Lobbyists must pull together a presentation full of facts, stats, stories, quotes, images, etc to convince the FDA to see c-cigarettes from your point of view

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Day 2

Dear students,
Sorry to miss you today. 
Please do the following today:
1.) get the dr evil handout from unit 4 and  complete it as you watch the dr evil video posted on Twitter. Use earphones if you have them.
2.) complete the potato debate packet from unit 4.
3.) get into groups (assign yourselves) and create your interest groups and talking points for a debate we will have on day 1 next week. All directions are in the packet. 
Group 1=students
Group 2=nutritionists
Group 3=potato farmers
Group 4=school
4.) federalism retake for anyone who want to improve their score must be taken by tomorrow in 116.  I'll average your scores.
5.) Giacinto-check your email.
Thx guys! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 1

Discuss Unit 2 Test: Federalism

Take 5 minutes to review your notes for Unit 3 Test-Q&A
1.  Unit 3 Test
2.  What is are interest groups? Get Interest Groups Viewer's guide from Unit 4
HW=review notes

Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 3

1.  Some have not submitted their mocktailing info and have received a 0 for the project and can't participate today!
2.  Mocktailing-3 rounds
3.  Watch Obama's Army if time.
HW=study for political ideology test on Day 1

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 2

1.  Review today's Tweets
  • Libertarian:  What are the Beliefs of This Controversial Minor Party?
  • Measles Outbreak: Ca Proposes New Law
  • Archbishop Cordileone and Sex Doctrine in Catholic High Schools
2.  Do you have any questions about ideology?

3.  Identify if your statement is L/C and create three talking points for your statement.
Statement:  Guantanamo Bay should remain open (C).
a.  Holding the 112 detainees provides a safeguard against violent acts toward the US or any other country.
b.  Evidence shows that when detainees are released they join their former terrorist group or a new group.
c. These people are enemy combatants and do not deserve the protections guaranteed in the US Constitution.

4.  Check in with me when you have completed your work.

HW=Fill out the form so that I can see your readiness before we simulate.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 1

1.  Finish Inside Guantanamo
2.  Complete IDEOLOGY FORM
4.  Introduce L/C Mocktailing

HW=review Red and Blue Ideology Chart