Friday, April 7, 2017

Day 1

Dear Students,
I'm sorry to miss you today. I think I have the flu. Please do the assignments below (write on paper and give to the proctor).
Watch the filibuster video AFTER you read and do the questions. Tomorrow we will have a quiz on filibuster, gerrymandering, felony disenfranchisement (below), Gorsuch nomination process, formal/informal powers and checks to power (see your packets). You can bring one notecard for the quiz.

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What is Felony Disenfranchisement? (get handout from Canvas Unit 5)

Questions for Reflection:
1.  Define Felony Disenfranchisement
2.  Which states have the harshest FDLs?
3.  How is this an issue of Federalism?
4.  Why would some characterize this as a system of inequality?
5.  Why would some characterize this as justice?
6.  Which of the beliefs in #4 and #5 is liberal and conservative?  Explain.


Filibuster:  A tactic used ONLY in the Senate (read Filibuster in Canvas Unit 6/7)

1.  What's a filibuster?

2.  Is a filibuster used in the House or Senate?  WHY?

3.  How was the filibuster used in the 1960s?

4.  What's rule 22?

5.  What's rule 19?

6.  What did Strom Thurmond do to prep himself for his filibuster?

7.  Summarize Senator Dirksen's quotes.

8.  How are filibusters checked and balanced?

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