Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 1

Continue with Frontline's Gunned Down
What questions do you have?
Reflection: If you were a Congressperson and a sweeping federal gun control measure was brought the floor how would you vote?  Why?  Cite the following in your response: 
  • Government's role in the aftermath of mass shootings
  • History and role of NRA
  • 2nd and 10th Amendment
  • Strict vs. Loose interpretation of Constitution
Person on the LEFT:  What is FEDERALISM?
Person on the RIGHT:  What historical events illustrated the need for FEDERALISM?
TOGETHER:  When there is a catastrophic disaster should the FEDERAL government be the first responders?  Why/Why not?

Federalism Case Studies:
  1. Hurricane Katrina 
  2. Endangered Species Act of 1973
  3. Flint Michigan Water Crisis
  • top down (government working from Federal level down to state and local for example setting an unfunded mandate for Megans Law which filters down to local level of government or a funded mandate No Child Left Behind). 
  • bottom up (government working from the local and state level up to the federal level for example local governments banning plastic bags in stores in SF, now this is spreading throughout the state and might one day be a federal law) 
  • Full Faith and Credit Clause (states must recognize and give full faith and credit to licenses and documents from one state to another for example a marriage license in Cal must be recognized in Ohio.  A driver's license from Hawaii must be honored in Colorado). 
  • Extradition (a person who commits a crime in Cal then flees to Arizona must be extradited, or brought back to the place of the crime in Cal to face his/her trial). 
  • Interstate Compact (agreements between states:  California and Nevada share Lake Tahoe so they have a compact in order to take care of the Lake, share it's resources, etc).

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