Monday, December 1, 2014

Day 1

Review the schedule for the rest of the semester. 

1.  Pick Supreme Court case and partner
2.  Read this page about the history of juries and how jurors are chosen
3.  Begin with reviewing: the courts, Rodney King and Double Jeopardy
4.  Complete your brief (by Day 2:  I NEED A HARD COPY and YOU NEED A HARD COPY)
*From Ch 11/12 you need to get  SC Instructions and SC Rubric

HW=review your brief and 1st amendment are preparing first!

1st Amendment cases (religion, speech, press, assembly, association)
4th Amendment cases (search and seizure)
5th Amendment cases  (double jeopardy, "I plead the 5th," Miranda Rights)
6th Amendment cases (right to an attorney, speedy trial of a jury of your peers)
8th Amendment cases (no cruel and unusual punishment/no excessive bail)
14th Amendment cases (equal treatment under the law)

US v. Schenck
Kerrigan, Rouda

Unemployment Division v. Smith
Vierra, Davis

Sante Fe v. Doe
Teupel v. Hidalgo

Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
Griffin v. Samonte

Westside v. Mergens
Badillo v. Kong

Texas v. Johnson
Arima v. Camacho

Morse v. Frederick
Arnold v. Wu

Madsen v. Womens Health
Buckley v. Alden

Lee v. Weisman
Dupuis v. Hall

Lemon v. Kurtzman
Kerrigan v. Cleary

Allegheny County v. ACLU
Ford v. OMalley

Mapp v. Ohio
Lynch v. Cleary

New Jersey v. TLO
OMalley v. Hidalgo

Veronia v. Acton
Wu v. Vierra

Miranda v. Arizona
Arnold v. Davis

Ingraham v. Wright
Samonte v. Camacho

UC v. Bakke
Dobberstein v. Hernandez

Grutter v. Bollinger
Lynch v. Badillo

Gideon v. Wainwright
Ford v. Teupel

Young v. US Postal Service
Buckley v. Dobberstein

Elonis v. US
Hernandez v. Rouda

Tinker v. De Moines
Griffin v. Kong

Hustler v. Falwell
Arima v. Dupuis

Kent v. US
Hall v. Alden

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