Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day 1

Dear Government Students,
I am sorry that I won't be in class with you today.  My son is sick so I am home with him.

Please complete the following assignment. You will be looking at four landmark Supreme Court cases regarding the limitations or expansions of Presidential power.  Work alone or with another person.  Before you complete this, review the War Powers keynote under Ch 8.  Familiarize yourself with the War Powers Resolution and the political cartoons at the end of the presentation.
Supreme Court Cases
  1. The Prize Cases (1862)
  2. Korematsu v. United States (1944)
  3. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1951)
  4. Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (2005)
Activity - required criteria of the assignment
          I.     Brief background of the case
        II.     Issue of Controversy (one statement)
      III.     Decision and rational of the Supreme Court
      IV.     Analysis of whether the case expanded or limited the war powers of the President and/or Congress
Online Resources
Questions for Discussion
  1. If you were a U.S. Supreme Court justice hearing the cases presented, how would you rule and why?
  2. Based upon these Supreme Court decisions, what generalizations can you make about the use or limits of war powers?

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