Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 2

I'm going back to my roots!
For the agenda go to:  THIS PAGE
For the homework, handouts, keynotes go to:

*Please BOOKMARK these pages now.

1.  Roundabout Review
2.  Finish Hurricane Katrina: 
    • Why was there a slow federal response?
    • 4th Branch of the government 
3.  Endangered Species Video
    • How is this an example of Federalism?
    • What side do you agree with?
  • Top Down (government working from Federal level down to state and local levels.  For example setting an unfunded mandate for Megans Law which filters down to local level of government or a funded mandate No Child Left Behind). 
  • Bottom Up (government working from the local and state level up to the federal level for example local governments banning plastic bags in stores in SF, now this is spreading throughout the state and might one day be a federal law)

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