Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 1

*Kairos People:  You can complete your Unit 3 test NOW in 116 OR you can do it during your resource period today.

Complete a google doc study guide with your partner.  Use the following questions to prepare for interest groups tests on day 2
1.  What role do interest groups have in shaping public policy?
2.  List and explain the functions of an interest group (per our lecture: be able to discuss SF Tobacco Laws and Willie Brown, PETA, and SFFD and SFPD Unions)
3.  Compare and contrast IGs and political parties.
4.  How are interest groups both good and bad for American politics?
5.  Who is Dr. Evil?
6.  What are his lobbying techniques?
7.  Who is Nick Naylor?
8.  What are his lobbying techniques?
9.  Explore and go to the "jump to an industry" search bar on the left side of the page. Choose two issues and record 3 interesting findings.
10.  What's the difference between hard and soft money?  Read this article and summarize it.
11.  Which industry contributed the most to the 2012 Presidential election both for the Democrats and the Republicans (search opensecrets for this).
12.  What's the McCain-Feingold Act?  Summarize it.   Why is it significant that a Democrat and a Republican were co-sponsors?
13.  Watch and summarize the Islamic State Parts I and II

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 3

1.  Complete the following pages in Potato Debate:
     a.  Sierra Club, AARP and AMA
     b.  Vocabulary and matching

2.  10 minute debate prep

3.  USDA Potato Debate

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 2

4* Union and Campaign Contributions
7* Finish Thank You for Smoking scene #2
1.  Interest Groups Quiz
2.  Dr. Evil
3.  Potato Debate
HW=review notes

"Hard" money vs. "soft money":
--"Hard money" refers to tightly regulated contributions to candidates, while "soft money" refers to unregulated, unlimited contributions to political parties for so-called "party-building" activities. Traditionally, soft money donations have been used for get-out-the vote drives, voter registration efforts and ads that say "Vote for Democrats" or "Vote for Republicans." Potential uses of soft money, however, were limited by Congress with the passage of the 2002 campaign finance law known as McCain-Feingold.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Day 1

1.  Review weekend Tweets
2.  Political Socialization Test
3.  Begin with Unit 4:  Interest Groups

  • You need Interest Groups Viewer's Guide
  • You need Interest Groups PDF
  • You need Dr. Evil Viewer's Guide
HW=review Interest Groups notes

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 2

1.  Liberal/Conservative Brainstorm
*stereotypes, issues, colors, names of politicians, states, music, tv, images

2.  Complete either red or blue section of the liberal conservative viewpoints handout under Ch 3

3.  Complete your talking points for HW

Day 3 we will mocktail

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 1

1.  Decode Parent/Guardian ideology surveys
2.  Finish Inside Guantanamo and complete reflection
3.  Decide with your partner who will complete the red section and the blue section of the ideology chart under chapter 3.  Use this website
HW=get your partner's notes for chart

Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 3

1.  Take out parent political ideology survey and analyze the results
2.  Finish Inside Guantanamo
3.  TICKET TO LEAVE  Answer the following questions in a paragraph:
  • Did George Bush act within his Constitutional authority when he opened GTMO using an executive order?
  • Do the detainees deserve a trial?  Explain.
  • Should GTMO be closed or remain open?  Explain.
  • What dilemmas would a President face if he/she decided to close GTMO especially in light of ISIS? 
  • As an Ignatian Congressperson would you vote to keep GTMO open or closed?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 2

1.  Federalism Test
2.  Finish Hip Hop Presentation (Political Subculture)
3.  What do you know about Guantanamo Bay?
4.  Complete vocabulary portion of Guantanamo Viewer's Guide & begin Guantanamo Analysis

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 1

1. Federalism Quiz on Day 2
(Katrina, Endangered Species, Federalism Packet. Top Down Government, Bottom Up Government, funded vs. unfunded mandate).

2.  Take political ideology survey

3.  What influences our political ideology?

3.  What drives political participation?

4.  Political Subculture:  Hip Hop

HW=Find out as much as you can about Guantanamo Bay

Promoting the Bicycle for Everyday Transportation

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 2

I'm going back to my roots!
For the agenda go to:  THIS PAGE
For the homework, handouts, keynotes go to:

*Please BOOKMARK these pages now.

1.  Roundabout Review
2.  Finish Hurricane Katrina: 
    • Why was there a slow federal response?
    • 4th Branch of the government 
3.  Endangered Species Video
    • How is this an example of Federalism?
    • What side do you agree with?
  • Top Down (government working from Federal level down to state and local levels.  For example setting an unfunded mandate for Megans Law which filters down to local level of government or a funded mandate No Child Left Behind). 
  • Bottom Up (government working from the local and state level up to the federal level for example local governments banning plastic bags in stores in SF, now this is spreading throughout the state and might one day be a federal law)