2. Presidential Succession/25th Amendment
3. HW=review today's material for quiz
Secretary of State Department of State (1789): Works with other countries. |
Secretary of the Treasury Department of the Treasury (1789): Supervises the collection of taxes and the printing of money. |
Secretary of Defense Department of Defense (1947): Oversees the armed forces. |
Attorney General Department of Justice (1870): Enforces the U.S. Government's laws. |
Secretary of the Interior Department of the Interior (1849): Protects natural resources and wildlife. |
Secretary of Agriculture Department of Agriculture (1862): Ensures a healthy food supply and provides support for farmers. |
Secretary of Commerce Department of Commerce (1903): Promotes business and job opportunities for all Americans, responsible for all copyrights, patents, and trademarks; and oversees matters related to oceans, weather, and technology. |
Secretary of Labor Department of Labor (1913): Oversees the interests of U.S. workers. |
Secretary of Health & Human Services Department of Health and Human Services (1953): Looks after people's health and provides services including conducting medical research, preventing diseases, assuring the safety of food and drugs; providing financial assistance for low income families. |
Secretary of Housing & Development Department of Housing and Urban Development (1965): Oversees housing needs, and focuses on improving and developing communities. |
Secretary of Transportation Department of Transportation (1966): Oversees the nation's transportation system including highways, railroads, ports, and air travel. |
Secretary of Energy Department of Energy (1977): Researches and develops energy systems that are friendly to the environment, but are not too expensive. |
Secretary of Education Department of Education (1979): Establishes guidelines and provides leadership to address American education. It helps local communities meet the needs of their students. |
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs (1988): Operates programs for veterans and their families. |
Secretary of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security (2003): Works to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage from potential attacks and natural disasters. |
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