Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 2

1.  Meet with your partner and decide who will present the facts, the question and the Supreme Court decision and key findings.
**Reminders:  This should be in your own words, do not read directly from your sheet, facts should be detailed, Supreme Court decision should include a vote (ex. 5-4) and key findings.
2.   Review the Courts. You need Rodney King from Ch 13 (complete question #1).
3.  Review Freedom of Religion
 "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof:..."
a.) Free Exercise Clause
b.) Establishment Clause
HW=1st amendment religion cases be ready to present on Day 3

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 1

1.  CH 11 Test (Executive Branch)
2.  Supreme Court research and memos (4th period: choose roles).
3.  Review 1st Amendment religion:  Free Exercise and Establishment Clause
4.  HW=Memos due in class on Day 2

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 1 & 2

1.  Finish Election of 2000 video
2.  Examine 5 elections that broke the rules!
3.  War Powers and Presidential Powers: Extend vs. Limit
HW=review notes for test on day 1
Supreme Court Cases
  1. The Prize Cases (1862)
  2. Korematsu v. United States (1944)
  3. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer (1951)
  4. Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (2005)

Activity - required criteria of the assignment
          I.     Brief background of the case
        II.     Issue of Controversy (one statement)
      III.     Decision and rational of the Supreme Court
      IV.     Analysis of whether the case expanded or limited the war powers of the President and/or Congress

Online Resources

Questions for Discussion
  1. If you were a U.S. Supreme Court justice hearing the cases presented, how would you rule and why?
  2. Based upon these Supreme Court decisions, what generalizations can you make about the use or limits of war powers?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 2

1.  Powers/Qualifications Quiz
2.  Presidential Succession/25th Amendment
3.  HW=review today's material for quiz

Department of State Seal Secretary of State
Department of State (1789):
Works with other countries.
Department of the Treasury Seal Secretary of the Treasury
Department of the Treasury (1789):
Supervises the collection of taxes and the printing of money.
Department of Defense Seal Secretary of Defense
Department of Defense (1947):
Oversees the armed forces.
Department of Justice Seal Attorney General
Department of Justice (1870):
Enforces the U.S. Government's laws.
Department of the Interior Seal Secretary of the Interior
Department of the Interior (1849):
Protects natural resources and wildlife.
Department of Agriculture Seal Secretary of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture (1862):
Ensures a healthy food supply and provides support for farmers.
Department of Commerce Seal Secretary of Commerce
Department of Commerce (1903):
Promotes business and job opportunities for all Americans, responsible for all copyrights, patents, and trademarks; and oversees matters related to oceans, weather, and technology.
Department of Labor Seal Secretary of Labor
Department of Labor (1913):
Oversees the interests of U.S. workers.
Department of Health and Human Services Seal Secretary of Health & Human Services
Department of Health and Human Services (1953):
Looks after people's health and provides services including conducting medical research, preventing diseases, assuring the safety of food and drugs; providing financial assistance for low income families.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Seal Secretary of Housing & Development
Department of Housing and Urban Development (1965):
Oversees housing needs, and focuses on improving and developing communities.
Department of Transportation Seal Secretary of Transportation
Department of Transportation (1966):
Oversees the nation's transportation system including highways, railroads, ports, and air travel.
Department of Energy Seal Secretary of Energy
Department of Energy (1977):
Researches and develops energy systems that are friendly to the environment, but are not too expensive.
Department of Education Seal Secretary of Education
Department of Education (1979):
Establishes guidelines and provides leadership to address American education. It helps local communities meet the needs of their students.
Department of Veterans Affairs Seal Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs (1988):
Operates programs for veterans and their families.
Department of Homeland Security Seal Secretary of Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security (2003):
Works to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage from potential attacks and natural disasters.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 2


4th Period: Present Keystone Pipeline Bill
1.  You need the following documents from Ch 11:
A.  Analyzing Presidential Decisions
B.  Formal and Expressed Powers
C.  Presidential Power and Qualifications

2.  Review Presidential Powers (Formal and Informal)
3.  Analyze Presidential Decisions
HW=review these handouts for quiz on Day 3

Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 1

**Anyone who needs to take Congress quiz do that by Day 2 in 114.
1.  Finish Congressional Legislation
2.  For today you will need the following documents from Ch 11:  Presidential Powers and Quals, Formal and Expressed Powers, Analyzing Presidential Decisions.
A.  Read formal and expressed powers document.
B.  Review Powers and Quals
C.  Analyzing Pres Power
3.  HW-review all the info for a quiz on Day 2

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 2

1.  Get Filibuster from Ch 10 handouts
2.  Finish Congressional Leg
3.  Day 3= fill-in quiz
Bill to Law

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 2

1.  Get and read filibuster from Ch 10 handouts.
2. Finish Cong Leg
3.  HW-Quiz on Day 3