Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 1

1. Explain the campaign project (COMPLETE THIS FORM).  We will present this on Day 1 of next week.  You will have the week to work on this at school so bring all necessary materials.
2.  Review campaign timeline (get handout from Ch 8).
3.  Review samples political advertisements (get handout from Ch 8).
4.  Get into parties and begin research.  One person create a google doc and fill the information in on your party.

Libertarian Party
Green Party
Democratic Party
Republican Party
American Independent Party
Tea Party
1.  Origin-how did this party begin?
2.  Basic political ideology or major tenets
3.  Stance on gun control, immigration, nationalized healthcare system, same sex marriage
4.  Party Leaders
5.  What was the party's impact on 2012 Presidential Election

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