Friday, November 1, 2013

Day 3

Good Morning,
My kids are sick so I'm home today.  We will take a break from the Congressional debate and resume on Day 1.  Rules Committee, can you remind the class of the agenda for the bills?

For today you will learn about redistricting.
Go to Ch 10 on google site and open "redistricting." Follow the directions.  At the end you should post your work on your blog just like the handout directs you to do.

4*-Look at the new layout of my blog.  Notice the Twitter feed on the right hand side.  If you see something in the news that is related to class or a bumper sticker that sparks your interest, a video clip, political cartoon, etc, please feel free to post with your class hashtag (#cpgov4 or #cpgov7).  This will be publicly displayed on my blog so be mindful of what you post and write.  The purpose of this is to create more conversation about current events.  Give it a shot!

Have a nice weekend and I'm sorry to miss you in class today.


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