Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 3

Good Morning,  I won't be here today so please continue to work on your campaign project.
Videos due by 10am on Day 1
Live debate will be on Day 1.
Look Presidential.

Practice Questions for candidates:
Campaign Manager:  Record the candidate on the ipad so that candidate can review him/herself after each question.

Make sure that you cushion each answer with a personal story or professional experience.
1.  With gun violence as the recent major headlines especially after the Navy Shipyard shooting what steps should the government take to enure that guns stay out of the wrong hands?

2.  If you were to win the Presidency how would you prioritize immigration on your agenda?

3.  Three groups comprised the bulk of the uninsured in 2010, including foreign-born residents who are not U.S. citizens, young adults ages 19 to 25 and low-income families with an annual household income of less than $25,000.  This is 45 million people who are uninsured.  Do you view this as a significant government problem?

4.  Why are you the best candidate to lead this country?

5.  Can you please describe to the audience what your party's fundamental beliefs are regarding government involvement in society and business.

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