Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 1

1.  Pass in your voter behavior guide handout
2.  Go to "Back and Forth Over the Shutdown" in Twitter
3. Finish Bowling for Columbine (Kairos retreatants get the viewer's guide under Ch 2 handouts on Google site)
4.  Interest Groups Review (you need Interest Groups keynote from Ch 7 handouts)
HW=read 7.3 and 7.4 (Interest Groups)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day 2

1. Complete the official ballot and post your newspaper to your blog if you haven't already. 
 2. Go to Ch 2 handouts and get Bowling for Columbine handout. 

 2nd Amendment Text A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Monday, September 23, 2013

DAY 1---->2013 Presidential Debate

 1.  Campaign Manager and Candidate review your opening statement.  Incorporate your basic ideology with your 3 Ps.

2.  A.  Create blog
  B.  After you have finished creating your blog please complete this form.


3.  Live Debate

4.  Due tomorrow:  A blogpost/newspaper review of how the debate went.
This requires:
SF Chronicle Headline (cut and copy from
3 Subarticles
2 pull quotes
2 images with captions







Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 3

Good Morning,  I won't be here today so please continue to work on your campaign project.
Videos due by 10am on Day 1
Live debate will be on Day 1.
Look Presidential.

Practice Questions for candidates:
Campaign Manager:  Record the candidate on the ipad so that candidate can review him/herself after each question.

Make sure that you cushion each answer with a personal story or professional experience.
1.  With gun violence as the recent major headlines especially after the Navy Shipyard shooting what steps should the government take to enure that guns stay out of the wrong hands?

2.  If you were to win the Presidency how would you prioritize immigration on your agenda?

3.  Three groups comprised the bulk of the uninsured in 2010, including foreign-born residents who are not U.S. citizens, young adults ages 19 to 25 and low-income families with an annual household income of less than $25,000.  This is 45 million people who are uninsured.  Do you view this as a significant government problem?

4.  Why are you the best candidate to lead this country?

5.  Can you please describe to the audience what your party's fundamental beliefs are regarding government involvement in society and business.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 2

1.  Reveal parties and roles
2.  Look at rubric and answer any questions.
3.  Campaign managers and candidates research debate clips on youtube and analyze how candidates answer questions.  How do they build a bridge from the issue to him/herself?
Come up with your 3Ps.
4.  Ad people stay in class and analyze political advertisements.
HW=work on project.
Debate Day 1
Ads due by 10am on Day 1 via youtube.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 1

1.  Please fill out this form regarding our upcoming campaign project.
2.  Open and upload Voter Behavior Guide under Chapter 4 and and fill it out.  Use my keynote (Parties and Voter Behaviors), Ch 4 in book and Google to answer the questions.
3.  Read this article about voting barriers (Twitter was down when I tried to tweet it out)
4.  Watch Obama's Army using your headphones and fill in the questions on Voter Behavior Guide.
5.  Research the following political parties and create a chart to keep track of the info.
Libertarian Party
Green Party
Democratic Party
Republican Party
American Independent Party
Tea Party
1.  Origin-how did this party begin?
2.  Basic political ideology or major tenets
3.  Stance on gun control, immigration, nationalized healthcare system
4.  Party Leaders
5.  What was the party's impact on 2012 Presidential Election

Friday, September 13, 2013


1.  Pass back Ch 1 & 2 test
2.  Introduce and prepare for mocktailing activity
3.  HW=read 8.2 and 8.3 Political Parties 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 2

1.  Syria update

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
2.  Ch 3 reading quiz
3.  Decode ideology surveys
4.  Ideology brainstorm
HW=Create your talking points for your assigned ideology.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 1

Who? Bashar Al-Assad, President of Syria
What? Launched chemical warfare on his people killing 1400 people with sarin gas.
Where? Damascus, Syria
When? August 21
Why? His power is threatened by the rebels
How? How will the US/UN respond? How is this decision made? What is your opinion? Should US align with France and use military force? How would you vote if you were a Congressperson?
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

1.  Summer Reading Test (get pen/pencil ready)
 2.  Fill out Ideological Survey under Ch 4 handouts (google site)
HW=3.1 and 3.2 Political Socialization and Culture

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 2

1.  Review the following concepts:
  • top down (government working from Federal level down to state and local for examples setting a mandate for Megans Law which filters down to local level of government). 
  • bottom up (government working from the local and state level up to the federal level for example local governments banning plastic bags in stores in SF, now this is spreading throughout the state and might one day be a federal law) 
  • Full Faith and Credit Clause (states must recognize and give full faith and credit to licenses and documents from one state to another for example a marriage license in Cal must be recognized in Ohio.  A driver's license from Hawaii must be honored in Colorado). 
  • Extradition (a person who commits a crime in Cal then flees to Arizona must be extradited, or brought back to the place of the crime in Cal to face his/her trial). 
  • Interstate Compact (agreements between states:  California and Nevada share Lake Tahoe so they have a compact in order to take care of the Lake, share it's resources, etc).

2.  Also review the google doc from yesterday

3.  Ch 1 and 2 Test

HW=Prepare for Summer Reading Test on Day 1

Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 1

1.  Any questions on Hurricane Katrina and Federalism?
2.  Watch Endangered Species to highlight Federalism
3.  Current Events activity
7th period click here

HW=Ch 1 and 2 quiz on Day 2

What's going on in Syria?  How are decisions made in government?

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy