Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 3

1.  Complete Presidency handout
2.  What's the 25th Amendment
3: Discoveries:  Things you learned
2: Connections  Something that relates to a personal experience, reading, or current event.
1: Question        What doesn't make sense?  What do you want to know more about? 


3.  By the end of the period:  You need to have your court case researched and prepared to present.

1.  Lemon v. Kutzman
Burns, Yee

2.  Westside v. Allegheny County
Stricker, Craddock

3.  Tinker v. De Moines School District
Cruz v. Spohn

4.  Texas v. Johnson
Soberanis, Cua

5.  Morse v. Frederick
Schurr, Dobberstein

6.  Schenk v. US
Fallahee, Salazar

7.  Madsen v. Women's Health Services
Roos, Fleming

8.  Mapp v. Ohio
Quanico, Giarrantano

9.  Miranda v. Arizona
Plank, Goudy

10.  New Jersey v. TLO
Jadallah, Noah

11.  Gideon v. Wainright
Stella, Murphy-P

12.  Regents of UC v. Bakke
Metoyer, LaRocca

13.  Gratz v. Bollinger
C.Lynch, McBride

14.  Grutter v. Bollinger
Vierra v. Wettersten

15.  Brown v. Board of Education
Macraig, R.Lynch


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