Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day 2

Fill out this form for our San Quentin Field Trip 

Filibuster Quiz

Finish Congressional Legislation

Begin Executive Branch (read Formal and Expressed Powers)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Day 1

Fill out this form for our San Quentin Field Trip

1.  Under Ch:6/7 get FILIBUSTER

As your read answer the following questions:
1.  What's a filibuster?
2.  Is a filibuster used in the House or Senate?  WHY?
3.  How was the filibuster used in the 1960s?
4.  What's rule 22?
5.  What's rule 19?
6.  What did Strom Thurmond do to prep himself for his filibuster?
7.  Summarize Senator Dirksen's quotes.
8.  How are filibusters checked and balanced? 
2.  Congressional Legislation

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 2

1.  Review Congressional Key Terms:
->Discharge Petition

2.  Continue with Legislation

HW=review today's terms

Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 1

1.  Rules Committee please convene to review today's agenda and delegate jobs for Congressional Legislation Simulation.

2.  While RC discusses read through my tweets and comment on two.

3.  Commence with simulation.

 Image result for house of representatives floor speeches

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 2-3

Dear Students,
Please meet in student center, commons or library to complete your congressional legislation project. Rubric and directions on google site. Due at the end of the period on day 3. Email to me please. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 1

1.  New Quarter New Seats

2.  How does a bill become a law?

3.  Introduce Congressional Legislation Project
  1. Approve the Keystone Pipeline X
  2. Death with Dignity
  3. Sanctity of Human Life Act
  4. Transparency in Policing Act
  5. SLICE Act
  6. SAFE Law
  7. DC Vote


Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 1

Midterm Review
Check your email for group study guide link.
Voter Requirements (Open Parties and Voter Requirements)
Census (Open House and Senate)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Day 3

  • How did this term originate?
  • Who does gerrymander empower and oppress?
  • What is California's method for redistricting? 
  • How do we increase diversity in Congressional districts?

    Wednesday, March 4, 2015

    Day 2

    1.  Any questions before the quiz?

    2.  Election Timeline/Types of Ads quiz

    After your quiz these three things need to be completed so you are ready for tomorrow:
    a.  Read House and Senate under Unit 6/7
    b.  On Twitter read and take notes on the "Guide to the 114th Congress" (there are two videos you need to watch)
    c.  On Twitter read and take notes on "The new Congress is 80 percent white, 80 percent male and 92 percent Christian"

    4.  Day 3 we will review for midterm
    Image result for US CONGRESS

    Monday, March 2, 2015

    Day 1

    1.  Results of the Interest Group-Elections Simulation
    a.  Interest Groups-who are you officially endorsing and WHY?
    b.  Candidates-who received the most money?  Why?
    c.  Candidates-who received the least money?  Why?
    d.  What if we eliminated campaign financing and candidates had to spend their own money on their campaigns?  Effects on the political system?

    1.  Review House of Cards episode to highlight stages of a Presidential Election.
    Write down steps.

    2.  Review types of Political Ads used in an election.
    You need "Types of Ads" from Unit 5

    HW=Quiz on Day 2 (Timeline and Types of Ads)

     Image result for house of cards