Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 1

1.  Federalism Test
2.  With your neighbor complete the Liberal/Conservative viewpoints chart by Day 2 use this website to obtain your information. 
3.  Finish Hip Hop: A Political Subculture
4.  You need Obama's Army from Unit 3

HW=complete #2

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 2

1.  Review the Mashable tweet
What is surprises you?
 What's not surprising?

2.  Read the Police Radar tweet.  If this was up for a vote would you support this device or oppose?

3.  Decode Ideology Survey

3.  Political Socialization
Hip Hop-a political subculture.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 1

What is the State of the Union address?  (#SOTU)
  • Go to the "Who are Michelle Obama's Guests?" Tweet and be ready to discuss why these people were chosen to sit in their box.  Remember every political move/decision is strategic.
  •  As you watch the clips send your comments on STYLE and SUBSTANCE on Twitter use #cpgov7

 Endangered Species Partner Review
BOTH:   What's the Endangered Species Act of 1973?
LEFT:    What does the STATE of IDAHO argue?
RIGHT:  What does the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT argue?
BOTH:   How does this illustrate FEDERALISM?

Introduce Key Terms

Take political ideology survey

Begin HipHop presentation if time
A group of people who don't feel represented or heard by the main political culture (reasons:  historically disenfranchised, underrepresented in societal spheres of power) so they create their own political subculture to speak out and share their beliefs, viewpoints and opinions.

Colored People vs. People of Color
Disenfranchised Groups (people of color, women, the youth)

HW=watch at least 1/2 hour of #SOTU and respond on Twitter...Substance or Style

Do the Federalism partner review (see day 3)
Start with Endangered Species video
Introduce Key Terms
HW=watch at least 1/2 hour of #SOTU and respond on Twitter...Substance or Style

Day 3


Person on the LEFT:  What is FEDERALISM?
Person on the RIGHT:  What historical events illustrated the need for FEDERALISM?
TOGETHER:  When there is a catastrophic disaster should the FEDERAL government be the first responders?  Why/Why not?

1.  Continue with Katrina video....THINK:  What caused the slow federal response? (Use FEDERALISM PACKET)
2.  Endangered Species...another Federalism example.
3.  HW=review your notes

1.  Review 6 Principles of the Constitution & Tweets
2.  How was the Marijuana video an example of Federalism?
4.  Katrina (What do you know).
5.  What the video.

  • top down (government working from Federal level down to state and local for example setting an unfunded mandate for Megans Law which filters down to local level of government or a funded mandate No Child Left Behind). 
  • bottom up (government working from the local and state level up to the federal level for example local governments banning plastic bags in stores in SF, now this is spreading throughout the state and might one day be a federal law) 
  • Full Faith and Credit Clause (states must recognize and give full faith and credit to licenses and documents from one state to another for example a marriage license in Cal must be recognized in Ohio.  A driver's license from Hawaii must be honored in Colorado). 
  • Extradition (a person who commits a crime in Cal then flees to Arizona must be extradited, or brought back to the place of the crime in Cal to face his/her trial). 
  • Interstate Compact (agreements between states:  California and Nevada share Lake Tahoe so they have a compact in order to take care of the Lake, share it's resources, etc).

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Day 2

Good morning, sorry to miss you again but my son is still sick. Please do the following:

1.  Review 6 Principles and Twitter articles
2.  Unit 1 Test (complete this with your partner-1 test per pair).
3.  Begin Federalism Unit
*You need Federalism Keynote from Unit 2 (Google Site)
Review this keynote.
4. Find my tweet about marijuana, watch the video and write a paragraph as to how this reflects federalism. Turn this in to Proctor. 
5. Google Hurricane Katrina and find five facts about what happened, who was affected, why was there controversy surrounding the response of the government, etc. *Add this to your marijuana reflection.
Thank you! 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Day 1

Hi guys,
My son is sick today so here's your assignment. Do the best you can. 
Also there are some pastries in the boxes on my back shelf. Help yourself.
Thx, ms.d

a.  Key Constitutional Dates (be sure you have the correct info-watch video again if needed)
b.  Weaknesses of Articles (fill in part 2 of constitutional lecture guide)

2.  6 Principles of the Constitution (watch video posted in last week's blog post and take notes on part 3)

b.  Current Event/Twitter Activity (partners or individuals)
Look at the numbered tweets I posted and match each article with one of the 6 principles. 
This cartoon represents federalism because it shows the sharing of pwr b/w state and federal gvt #cpgov7

HW=review Key Dates, Weaknesses of AOC and 6 Principles for quiz (day 2)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 2

Did you compose your Tweet in response to one of my articles?  Did you include the #cpgov4 or #cpgov7?

Constitutional Lecture guide uploaded from Ch 1 handouts

1.  Analyze Newsroom clip:  In your opinion, what should the role of the government be in your life?  In society?
2.  Key Constitutional Concepts
3.  6 Principles of Constitution
4.  Weaknesses of the Articles

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 1

This is American Government with Ms. Devencenzi in room 321

1.  Review course syllabus (get onto FINAL SITE)
  • Create an app for BLOG and add to homepage
  • Create an app for GOOGLE SITE and add to homepage
2.  Citizenship Test and Current Events "What You Know"

3.  HW=Create an appropriate Twitter name and respond to one of my most recent Tweets (you can follow me or search #CPGOV4 or #CPGOV7).

EXAMPLE:  For the CUBA article.  In 140 characters or less should the US relax relations with Cuba?  Tweet your response.