Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Day 2

1.  Under Ch:6/7 get FILIBUSTER
As your read answer the following questions:
1.  What's a filibuster?
2.  Is a filibuster used in the House or Senate?  WHY?
3.  How was the filibuster used in the 1960s?
4.  What's rule 22?
5.  What's rule 19?
6.  What did Strom Thurmond do to prep himself for his filibuster?
7.  Summarize Senator Dirksen's quotes.
8.  How are filibusters checked and balanced?
2.  Congressional Legislation
HW=review bill->law, filibuster

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day 2

  • How did this term originate?
  • Who does gerrymander empower and oppress?
  • What is California's method for redistricting? 
  • How do we increase diversity in Congressional districts?

    Monday, October 20, 2014

    Day 1

    1.  Review Midterms
    2.  Review Tweets (have you Tweeted out an article with a question?)

    3.  Introduce Congress Unit

    1.  Congressional Simulation Handout
    2.  House/Senate Presentation
    3. Oral Presentation Rubric

    Tuesday, October 7, 2014

    Day 2

    *Midterm Study guide is on Google Site under Midterms
    1.  Complete this form regarding out Elections/Interest Group simulation
    2.  Watch Condi Rice interview via Twitter
    3.  Obama's Army (get handout under Unit 5)
    3.  Assign roles and prepare for simulation
    4.  Conduct simulation
    HW=Simulation on Day 3/Midterm Review

    Friday, October 3, 2014

    Day 3

    1.  Review Proposition tweets and respond to one.
    2.  Political Ad analysis
    3.  Presidential Election Timeline
    HW=review ad types and timeline

    Wednesday, October 1, 2014

    Day 2

    1.  Review weekly current events
    2.  Interest Groups test
    3.  Begin Political Parties unit:  Get political ads analysis from Ch 6.

    HW=go online and find an online ad for one of California's propositions (1,2,45,46,47,48).  Tweet it out with a "Liberal" or "Conservative" hashtag.  Don't forget to put #cpgov4 or #cpgov7

    Find information on the props HERE:
    Go to YouTube or the Prop's website for videos.