Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 3

1.  Get liberal v. conservative viewpoint handout from ch 4
2.  Use this website to fill in your boxes.  Summarize each side then highlight the side that you most agree with.
3.  Prepare for mocktailing.
4.  Mocktail simulation
5.  HW=8.1 Parties

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 2

1.  Check out Twitter for updates on the President's #sotu address
2.  Why do people participate?
3.  Finish Guantanamo (you need viewer's guide out).
Promoting the Bicycle for Everyday Transportation

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 1

1. Chapter 4.1 check-in quiz 2. Begin to think about our political ideologies regarding issues: Guantanamo Bay 3. Get the Guantanamo handout under ch 4 Read 4.2 WHY DO PEOPLE PARTICIPATE?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day 2

1.  Find my tweet about the 2012 election and find the total number of the populations on the left hand side of the chart.
2.  Compare and Contrast the lyrics we discussed yesterday.
3.  Continue with Hip Hop presentation.
HW=4.1 Reading

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 1

  • Review the week's schedule
  • Kairos and absentees you need to take your Ch 1 & 2 test in resource room before the end of the week.
1.  All the President's Men Test
2.  Decode Political Ideology surveys
3.  Hip Hop and Political Culture
HW=read 3.2

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 2

1.  Review the following concepts:

  • top down (government working from Federal level down to state and local for example setting an unfunded mandate for Megans Law which filters down to local level of government or a funded mandate No Child Left Behind). 
  • bottom up (government working from the local and state level up to the federal level for example local governments banning plastic bags in stores in SF, now this is spreading throughout the state and might one day be a federal law) 
  • Full Faith and Credit Clause (states must recognize and give full faith and credit to licenses and documents from one state to another for example a marriage license in Cal must be recognized in Ohio.  A driver's license from Hawaii must be honored in Colorado). 
  • Extradition (a person who commits a crime in Cal then flees to Arizona must be extradited, or brought back to the place of the crime in Cal to face his/her trial). 
  • Interstate Compact (agreements between states:  California and Nevada share Lake Tahoe so they have a compact in order to take care of the Lake, share it's resources, etc).
2.  Review Katrina video
3.  Endangered Species Act of 1973 (you need Federalism packet)

1.  Christie's aides to be subpoenaed.
2.  House passes compromise $1.1 trillion budget for 2014
3.  Rubio demands states right to ignore the poor

HW=Read 2.3 and Ch 1.3 and 2.1 & 2.2 Test

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 1

Review New Laws tweet and read together

1.  Ch 2.1 Quiz (You need FREE version of e-clicker called "audience")
2.  Under Ch 2 Handouts on Google Sites you need "Federalism Keynote" and "Federalism Packet"
3.  Review Government's response to Hurricane Katrina and how this illustrates Federalism

HW=2.2 Reading

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 2

1.  Have out your ipad with bookmarked sites and signed syllabus

1.  Wrap-up Current Event Hunt (if needed)
2.  Begin with Key Constitutional Concepts and 6 Principles of Constitution
  • You need lecture guide under Ch 1 handouts on google site
3.  HW=2.1 Federalism

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 1

1. Review Syllabus, class blog, Google site and ebook (go to your final site for the links)
2.  Citizenship Test
3.  Current Event Scavenger Hunt
3.  HW=see Google site under "Spring Semester homework"