Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 3

  1. Share and review 6 Principles Current events
  2. Twitter Practice (download Tweetcaster app)
  3. Analyze style and substance.  THINK: How does this speaker represent the views of the Republican Party?  Is there a phrase or issue he/she was trying to emphasize?  How successful is he/she connecting to the audience?  Who is the audience? REMEMBER:  Only use #tags appropriate for politics and government.  Only address people in this a professional manner.  Unprofessional postings won't be tolerated and tweeting privileges will be revoked.
  4. Use our class hash tag within your tweet (#cpgov3, #cpgov5, #cpgov7)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 2

1. Watch the video below together and write a paragraph response that includes your view of the speaker's message.  Use a specific quote(s)/phrases(s) within your reflection.  Think to yourself:  How would you react if you were a graduating senior of this class?  How would a parent respond?  What is the speaker's main message?  Do you agree/disagree?  Why did Ms. D want us to watch this?  Explain.
2.  Review Constitutional Principles Lecture Guide
3.  Continue working on 6 Principles Current Event Activity
4.  Set up Twitter account if you haven't already!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 1

1.  Create personal blog for HOMEWORK tonight (you need to do this on a laptop/desktop).  This will be used throughout the semester and perhaps you will even use a blog in other classes.  Your blog is an excellent sampling of your work and can be linked to your college letter of recommendation so they have a better idea of how you have grown as a student at St. Ignatius College Preparatory.  Instructions on the Google Site under "Senior Class Blogs."


Business Items:
  • Collect syllabus
  • Questions about online text?
  • Questions about required apps?
  • Blogsy reminder
  • PDFs and note-taking apps
1.    Quiz
2.    Review the Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitutional Principles.
3.    Begin current events homework assignment.

4.  FYI:  The Republican National Convention begins this week!  This is when the Republican party officially announces Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as their candidates.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012